The goal isn’t perfection, but not eating animals is an easy step that we can all take, which prevents some of the worst suffering. It’s also better for the planet, food security, etc.
The other points you make can already be mitigated, i.e. buy local, buy organic, grown your own, etc., but we should also strive to improve those situations overall.
Eating lower in the food chain is always going to be better than eating higher up. Farmed animals are eating those grains covered in pesticides, too, and at much higher quantities than we are.
So, not eating them remedies at least some part of your concerns.👍
The goal isn’t perfection, but not eating animals is an easy step that we can all take, which prevents some of the worst suffering. It’s also better for the planet, food security, etc.
The other points you make can already be mitigated, i.e. buy local, buy organic, grown your own, etc., but we should also strive to improve those situations overall.
Eating lower in the food chain is always going to be better than eating higher up. Farmed animals are eating those grains covered in pesticides, too, and at much higher quantities than we are.
So, not eating them remedies at least some part of your concerns.👍
that doesn’t prevent any suffering. if you want to prevent suffering, go to where there is suffering, and prevent it.
Pro tip: You can prevent suffering on farms by going to a grocery store and not buying animal products. Amazing, but true!
that doesn’t work.