Is it possible, or planned to have posts open in a new window by default?

    • @[email protected]
      33 years ago

      Will do.

      Current features:

      1. Option to open external links in a new tab
      2. Option to open internal links in a new tab
      3. Option to hide your username (your username will appear as “Anonymous” to anyone looking at your screen.
      4. Option to expand all images in the page with 1 click for easier browsing on the desktop.

      Are there any simple features you would like to see in the first release?

      • @[email protected]
        03 years ago

        Some simple RES features would be nice:

        1. tagging a user, e.g. i should be able to tag you as LES developer (LES being lemmy enhancement suite)

        2. showing the sums of upvotes and downvotes you gave to a certain user, e.g. the number “3” will appear next to the user name, clicking on it will showed you upvoted it 4 times and downvoted him 1 time.

        You could see how the UX for these work by installing RES upvoting someone and licking on the number (should be +1).