What do you want lemmy to be? What do you hope to find here? I myself want this to be a privacy and technology focused new Reddit with rich community interaction and forming of real communities.

  • @[email protected]
    3 years ago

    I think it would be really cool if forums (e.g. linux distro forums, video game forums ect) migrated to use their own lemmy instances. This would have advantages:

    • Posts that gain traction would be visible to more people.
    • People wouldn’t need to create another new account just for one forum.

    I guess it is sort of like same advantages as if they used a subreddit, but with the extra advantage of them ultimately having control.

    • Dessalines
      43 years ago

      I would really like to see this too. Reddit’s been called “a forum on steroids” before… well that makes lemmy a forum on steroids that anyone can have full control over.

      It’d be great to see forums and communities of any kind host their own lemmy instances and connect up with the rest.