What do you want lemmy to be? What do you hope to find here? I myself want this to be a privacy and technology focused new Reddit with rich community interaction and forming of real communities.

  • @[email protected]
    3 years ago

    I think it would be really cool if forums (e.g. linux distro forums, video game forums ect) migrated to use their own lemmy instances. This would have advantages:

    • Posts that gain traction would be visible to more people.
    • People wouldn’t need to create another new account just for one forum.

    I guess it is sort of like same advantages as if they used a subreddit, but with the extra advantage of them ultimately having control.

    • Dessalines
      43 years ago

      I would really like to see this too. Reddit’s been called “a forum on steroids” before… well that makes lemmy a forum on steroids that anyone can have full control over.

      It’d be great to see forums and communities of any kind host their own lemmy instances and connect up with the rest.

  • QuentinCallaghan
    63 years ago

    Here are some of my expectations:

    • Decentralization, discussion should be spread more and not confined into one instance
    • Diversity of interests, getting users that have also other interests than just privacy and technology
    • With decentralization I hope that it also reveals the diversity of opinions and interests so that no Reddit-like monoculture develops
    • From a moderation standpoint I hope that the rules are respected and no Voatification happens
    • @[email protected]
      23 years ago

      no Voatification

      Yeah Voat was one of the first Reddit alternatives I heard about back in the day. I tried it and was really shocked to see how the site was pretty much overrun by scum. I expect the Lemmy community to protect itself from those types of people.

  • Multis
    23 years ago
    • Transparent moderation and logs.
    • Racism should be banned.
    • Mods held accountable to the community.
    • Tags for posts so it is easy to search & jump to other communities
    • Awards to pay the servers and highlight great content.
    • Light Gamification of site
    • Sr Estegosaurio
      33 years ago

      Racism? Only? I think the solution is just making mandatory to at least have a bare minimum level of respect to anyone who you are talking to.

    • EvanM
      13 years ago

      As a mod here, I agree. I want to see transparent logs for the good of the communities I protect and others

      I think a good goal is somehow achieving democracy, as in the community can vote in new mods, but it requires so much thought on how to avoid abuse and make it less prune to manipulation. The task is daunting/

      Tags are an interesting idea.

      I think awards are a wonderful idea, but please only equivalents to silver, gold, and platinum. I don’t want 500 awards. Also, what does getting an award mean for your account? What does giving an award mean?

      Interested in what you said about gamification. What ideas do you have about that?

      • Multis
        03 years ago

        Snapzu com has an interesting tag feature.

        True. I don’t want a noisy award section. Most of them are redundant. 3 tiers of awards would be the best

        Gamification - Get perks for using Lemmy consecutively for days, weeks, months. For making or creating content everyday, etc.

  • EvanM
    13 years ago

    This is a great thread, all these ideas are wonderful.

    I would also like to say I want the site admins to keep being the friendly faces they are even as lemmy grows!

  • @[email protected]
    03 years ago

    I want Lemmy.ml to keep their moderation strong like it is now and have more instances get created that can cater to a different form of moderation. That way you can have an instance with communities focused on for fun aspects and another for more political things. Right now it feels like lemmy.ml is the main flagship instance primarily and the others are kind of just there. Imo of course.