An interesting article about the extreme right in the US and how they are not interested in governing or working for the people but are focused instead on tearing apart the US government, taking away rights and freedoms, and turning the country into a christofascist dictatorship with oligarchs in charge.

When we look at the now extreme Canadian right, with soaring food prices and housing prices and a failing healthcare system and faltering public education that is now focused on pronouns and hurting the most vulnerable Canadian children we cannot help but draw parallels. They don’t have a platform other than TrUdEaU bAd, pronouns, drag queens, and we’re going to fix everything, no we don’t have a plan, no we can’t tell you how, just trust us.

These people are focused on tearing apart the polices and services that make Canada among the best countries in the world to live in. Their base seethes with resentment about being made to feel ignorant, racist, and intolerance and that seething resentment is manipulated into fear, anger, and hatred toward those who make them feel bad about themselves.

We need to wake up and vote down this nonsense.

  • GreyEyedGhost
    9 months ago

    Take a look at the trends in Manitoba. Underfunded and mismanage, next step is saying private surely can’t be worse, final step is privatize. They did it with MTS, they were on step 2 with healthcare, they were on step 1 with education, they were on step 2 with Hydro.

    • rbesfe
      9 months ago

      The provincial Conservative parties are completely separate from the federal one, just like the Liberals

      • Grimpen
        9 months ago

        Technically correct, but fundamentally, at the riding level, the same people are involved and support both.