I’m looking to switch to a different VPS provider that is more privacy-respecting.

These are some I am currently considering:

I’m looking to host a matrix server, pleroma, rss feed reader, xmpp, syncthing, as well a few other services. Nothing bandwidth intensive, but I do need at least 3gb of ram. I’m also looking to use docker.

Anyone have any recommendations for such providers that aren’t incredibly expensive?

  • @[email protected]
    23 years ago

    https://buyvm.net/ is pretty good and super cheap. Only issue is that it’s in five eyes (Only non-US servers are in Luxembourg).

    You can get a storage slab from them for $5/TB/month too.

      • @[email protected]
        13 years ago

        They allow for payment in monero and allow running tor exit nodes. They’re pretty much as privacy-positive you can get while still in the EU. You could pretty easily sign up with fake info and pay in Monero and remain totally anonymous.