• BlameThePeacock
    1 year ago

    My home generates 0 revenue, and still has tremendous value. Even when it is being used commercially the value of that land varies dramatically based on what type of commercial activity is possible there. Farms and tree harvesting land can be purchased as low as a few thousand dollars an acre.

    So no, they aren’t the same thing at all.

    If there’s a business that sells hot dogs, and it makes more money off the land appreciation than the selling of the food, then it’s not a hot dog business, it’s a real estate business. If it undercuts it’s competitors simply because it can charge less by outright owning the land it operates on and having paid less for that land because it bought it a while ago, that’s anti-competitive.

    Simply put, nobody should be making money on real estate appreciation. If you want to make a profit, make it selling hot dogs. Real estate appreciation adds nothing of value to the economy, preparing and selling hot dogs does.