I’ve only been using this keyboard for a day but so far it’s been fully usable for me. It does not have swipe yet but that was not something I’m using.

Yes at the end of the day a lot of what you do on your phone is via the keyboard, so it is good to know this is all pure open source. Strictly speaking you anyway do not want to be typing passwords in and should be using an open source password manager like Bitwarden.

Good to see also the app is available directly from F-Droid or the Google Play Store and there is no dependency on any Google binaries.

See https://github.com/dslul/openboard

#technology #opensource #alternativeto #privacy #keyboard

  • dragonfly0
    3 years ago

    It’s a wonderful keyboard. Plain simple and reliable. I’m trying it and I’ve found its autocorrect even better than AnySoftKeyboard’s one. In my language, it handles accents and apostrophes way better.