“I can tell you that the people that are doing it aren’t the people who are coming here because they’re looking for a sandwich because they’re hungry,” said Ravi Ramberran, “It’s the people who are not afraid of consequences period.”

In the wake of the increase in dine and dashers, Ramberran said his restaurant has ramped up how they deal with it.

“We blast them on Facebook, we hold them, we make them wait for the cops…We do what’s in our power to do.”

  • Someone
    1 year ago

    Try being a server some time and reject any tips that come your way. The customers will not be too thrilled.

    I don’t think anyone’s suggesting tips should be banned. It’s just that tips shouldn’t be expected from each customer. Someone working at any given fast food restaurant (not to mention other low level service jobs) is working just as hard as a server at a sit down restaurant for the same pay. Why should I be expected to tip one and not the other? Also, why is 15-20% considered a proper tip? 10% shouldn’t be treated like it’s an insult.