Here’s the scary thing that ensures this rhetoric will only escalate: By labeling his multiple indictments “election interference” (the very crime of which he is charged by both federal and state prosecutors), Trump has now made his “rigged election” claim for 2024 well over a year in advance. If and when he loses the general election, he won’t have to contrive allegations of voting by noncitizens (as he did in 2016 in order to argue he actually won the popular vote) or demonize voting by mail (as he did in 2020 before, during and after his Election Night victory declaration), or seize on fabricated anecdotes of fraudulent conduct by election officials (another 2020 hardy perennial). In the view from the MAGA fever swamps, it’s now impossible for Trump to have a fair shot at regaining the presidency. If he wins despite the massive “election interference” he faces, he is fully justified in unleashing the vengeance that is so prominent a part of his 2024 message. If he seems to lose … it’s clearly grounds for whatever extra-constitutional redress he and his supporters choose.

  • DontMakeMoreBabies
    109 months ago

    This dumb bitch with DV perp son just need to get the fuck out of the national spotlight.

    Also, do the losers from the civil war really need a refresher course?

    • spaceghotiOP
      59 months ago

      Also, do the losers from the civil war really need a refresher course?

      Apparently, yes. This time will be different because…reasons?

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      No need to use sexist mysogenistic language to describe her. She dumb, sure. She should get out of the spotlight, sure.

      Calling females opponents a bitch is more belittling and aggressive that calling men dicks or assholes or similar.

      • Derin
        39 months ago

        Correct. It also distracts from your message, so it’s not just unnecessary: it actively works against what you’re trying to say.

        • Bo7a
          39 months ago

          Counterpoint - Palin actually is a bitch

      • @[email protected]
        29 months ago

        It’s not misogyny to hate one particular woman.

        Or to label one particular woman a bitch.

        Please explain how using gender specific insults is more damaging to women.