It’s been on the back-burner for a bit but it’s time that I get on it and register our operation as a on-profit organization. We will be registering under the BC Societies Act. Completing this registration will allow for opening up a bank account under the organization’s name and reopen donations and have the previously donated funds transferred from @[email protected] to the organization.
To this date since taking over operations of I have personally covered the costs and have not been reimbursed to keep accounting as clean as possible. This will continue until registration has been completed.
First step to this is picking a name to register the Society under. Requirements for the name can be found here.
While the initial main purpose of the society/organization will be operating we would prefer a name that would be fit for operations of other open communication platforms as well as other potential projects that we may want to participate in in the future. Something somewhat open ended.
Please give us some suggestions and we will take the suggestions under advisement when picking a name.
Further information on non-profit registration in BC can be found here.
True north social association
Isn’t ‘True North’ a far right conspiracy blog pretending to be a news site with murky sources of funding? i.e. propaganda network?
If it is, I’ve never heard of it. It’s literally from our natural anthem.
It’s also a fidelity mutual fund, since at least 20 years ago.
I just looked it up, and while I’m not going to link to it, it definitely a far right shithole propaganda site. I’d want to avoid any indication that could be mistaken as a relationship.