Hello everyone. I’ve decided to write this post about Techlore and The Hated One because I’m confused. So there was the big GrapheneOS drama there with Techlore and stuff… Under the video many people commented that Techlore is just influencing fans and etc. The Hated One recently made a video of Signal. He said, that Signal server did not get a source code update since 2020. He was wrong. It did, this year February. I’m getting really confused about if they lie to all of us on privacy, and if this is a real concern. I want to hear your opinion on this!

  • @[email protected]
    83 years ago

    I don’t know your references, sorry.

    I don’t mean he is as ubiquitous as nestle but that he is an internet persona. This persona entails keeping 300k subscriber entertained because they provide him some cash flow. That’s all.

    • @[email protected]M
      -13 years ago

      That is false. He provides valuable info enough and challenges the Apple crowd and helps transition people into the privacy world better than most of the folks. That is enough I would say.

      • @[email protected]
        13 years ago

        dude, you expressed the same exact idea in another post.

        You think the funding and affiliations of organizations have nothing to do with the agenda they propagate? Oh summer child.

        • @[email protected]M
          -23 years ago

          Do you not think one’s ideas should be coherent across issues? THO is not some kind of entity like Snopes.