• Jerkface (any/all)
    2 years ago

    Meat is not toxic it’s actually the most efficient source of nutrients versus seeking out multiple sources and having to supplement.

    You are factually incorrect. Meat does contain nutrients, but it also universally contains toxins harmful to human health. The more meat you eat, the sooner you die and the more diseases you experience. All the leading causes of death in North America are caused or intensified by consuming meat: heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes. Heart disease can be COMPLETELY ELIMINATED through diet, one which contains no meat. Diabetes can be REVERSED by diet, one which contains no meat. And you’re on here arguing that the DIRECT CAUSE OF THE LEADING FORMS OF DEATH are healthy.

    The only supplements people are recommended to take on a 100% plant diet are B12 and D. You would be interested to know, however, that in testing, vegans are found to have a higher level of B12 in their system than the general population, who are chronically deficient in B12 and should ALSO be taking a supplement.

    B12 does not come from animals. Animals cannot produce B12 any more than we can. Animals on a farm get their B12 from injections and pills. So you’re still taking the fucking supplement, you’re just wrapping it in a piece of meat like a fussy child.

    Meat eaters also frequently need to take D supplements. Have you ever even had your blood tested for nutrition markers? You could be deficient yourself.

    But you know, the facts don’t matter. This is just a lie people repeat to themselves to distract themselves from the cruelty and violence against intelligent creatures. It’s really painful to try and wrap your head around that, and it’s much easier to just lie to yourself.

    cheese, sour cream, butter

    All cause heart disease, THE LEADING FORM OF DEATH OF EVERY FUCKING PERSON YOU KNOW. You PROBABLY know several dead people that eating this shit has ALREADY KILLED.