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  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    I tend to agree. While I haven’t gone looking for NSFW friendly instances, all of the instances that I looked at before selecting one don’t allow NSFW content pretty much for that exact reason. They don’t want to deal with hosting and moderating it.

    • @676
      41 year ago

      Do you host it though? Is there an option like before Reddit hosted images? I’d imagine that would make it easier for NSFW content creators to post cross sites.

      The moderation though, sounds ridiculously impossible

      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago

        Sure, they could make it so that users have to use a third party image host, but that doesn’t necessarily solve the problem. Their instance would still be hosting links to that material. That might give some degree of protection to the owner, but it still gets a bit sketchy and instance owners just don’t want to deal with it it seems.

        I suspect we’ll see new Lemmy instances pop up now with am the attention is getting, so it’s only a matter of time before a NSFW friendly instance appears.