• ATGM 🚀
    611 months ago

    Theoretically? For sure. Practically speaking, it’s usually easier said than done.

    For example, the Swastika itself did nothing wrong, but it’s not exactly about to be rehabilitated.

    • @Evkob
      411 months ago

      Agreed, energy is better spent elsewhere than trying to rehabilitate words that have been co-opted by the right. This isn’t like reappropriating a slur, like queer, trying to “take back” libertarian would just cause confusion.

      • ATGM 🚀
        311 months ago

        Same with the Swastika, really. It absolutely is a common historical symbol, and Northern and Eastern Europe is littered with Swastika variants, including the one the Nazis used (though obviously not on white on black).

        But it’s one of those things that don’t really matter. As examples, modern pagan revival movements can just choose other symbols - any other symbols - to use instead. Not that fascists get to own every historical symbol, but for this one the fight feels long-lost.