Spell check that gives you idiotic corrections and no standard on weird behaviours like auto spacing and auto period. So you turn it off and I swear it works in reverse, making correct words wrong so you feel like having it on is the better of two evils.
currently heliboard for fear of google keylogging me, but there was some point around when swype fizzled out that all touch input methods became inexplicably worse on devices new and old.
All swipe typing boards became worse apart from gboard which held out for a little while but even that seems worse now even though iirc the actual gesture file that you can take from google and install in heliboard remains unmodified from before the touch input worsening event. Its just as bad in heliboard.
Regular touch type seems to be worse as well even when making the letters buttons bigger. Regardless of specific keyboard it feels like we have been cursed to get what we type corrected to words that only exist in a dictionary and nobody uses in any english speaking region.
I like my keyboard a lot and the local TTS is a huge positive, but it hates me swearing. Ive added it to my personal dictionary in every space I can think to. But it still corrects fucking to sucking and shit to shot constantly.
You have a keyboard and a spell check. This isn’t a pre-T9 phone from 1998.
Spell check that gives you idiotic corrections and no standard on weird behaviours like auto spacing and auto period. So you turn it off and I swear it works in reverse, making correct words wrong so you feel like having it on is the better of two evils.
What keyboard are you using
currently heliboard for fear of google keylogging me, but there was some point around when swype fizzled out that all touch input methods became inexplicably worse on devices new and old.
All swipe typing boards became worse apart from gboard which held out for a little while but even that seems worse now even though iirc the actual gesture file that you can take from google and install in heliboard remains unmodified from before the touch input worsening event. Its just as bad in heliboard.
Regular touch type seems to be worse as well even when making the letters buttons bigger. Regardless of specific keyboard it feels like we have been cursed to get what we type corrected to words that only exist in a dictionary and nobody uses in any english speaking region.
I like my keyboard a lot and the local TTS is a huge positive, but it hates me swearing. Ive added it to my personal dictionary in every space I can think to. But it still corrects fucking to sucking and shit to shot constantly.