I went back in time and farted on a puppy. Sorry. You really should have seen the original timeline. We had blimps, universal healthcare, and six seasons of Firefly
Anyway, I was thinking less ‘european aristocrat’ and more ‘steampunk aesthetics’ when I talked about vests. Dress shirt, tie, vest, and overcoat, all slightly stained with oil from physically impossible doohickeys full of gears. T’is a nice aesthetic.
I went back in time and farted on a puppy. Sorry. You really should have seen the original timeline. We had blimps, universal healthcare, and six seasons of Firefly
Did you have vests though?
Humanity went wrong when we abandoned vests.
Why do you want to dress like a European king/aristocrat? If anything, creating vests was where we went wrong. Now capes…
Why not both?
Anyway, I was thinking less ‘european aristocrat’ and more ‘steampunk aesthetics’ when I talked about vests. Dress shirt, tie, vest, and overcoat, all slightly stained with oil from physically impossible doohickeys full of gears. T’is a nice aesthetic.