Organisational Theory Thesis Survey

Hello, I am doing a thesis on organisational theory. I would appreciate as many responders as possible.

Survey here, shortened google forms link

  • MakingWork
    24 hours ago

    I completed the survey. These questions are very interesting to me because I work in HR, and I see and hear what my employees are saying all the time and how senior management reacts.

    Just had a meeting this week with consultants over changes, and they complicated a process we had.

    On the other hand, an external consultant doing an audit in another department may be great because a potential conflict of interest may get exposed.

    In my company, values are preached, not practiced. It’s awful for employee morale. Senior management/ leadership doesn’t practice the values and it shows. Our policies contradict the values. I think a lot of our employees are numb to it now. As you can tell morale is down where I work.

    I could have wrote a paragraph for every single question. Even the simple ones like if we value education over experience.

    Anyway, good luck!

    • Squizzy@lemmy.worldOP
      21 hours ago

      Hey, I might be interested in interviewing you if you were interested? If you want to pm me, at the very least I am interested in hearing your expanded views on the survey.