• OutlierBlue
    3 hours ago

    Who would have guessed that America has so little backbone and no fight in them?

    Honestly? Anyone who’s been paying attention. The US has amazing control over their population. The people are kept weak, misinformed, and economically on the edge of being unhoused and starving with no support systems in place. Most people are too comfortable in their own homes, or too distracted struggling to survive to realize their power to organize in numbers.

    Compare various European nations’ reactions when their government does something they don’t like. They bring the nation to its knees with protests clogging the streets. The US? Crickets.

    South Korea pulled down a wanna-be dictator and held him accountable. The US? Crickets.

    They talk tough, but the US has not had a strong populace in generations.

    • HonoredMule
      10 hours ago

      The conditions (captured media, broken education, economic slavery) explain widespread ignorance about how leopards are going to eat their faces, but not the apathy when it actually happens. And hopelessness only suppresses resistance until you run out of things to lose.

      It’s not like there aren’t plenty of MAGA faithful currently Finding Out, either (and by that I specifically mean coming to realize either who the true oppressors are or what substantially worse looks like).

      Whether I understand it or not, however, I must remember that no group of humans is fundamentally different from another. Whatever makes them different in aggregate form does come down to conditioning - possibly over generations, but conditioning nevertheless. That knowledge is all that keeps me from permanently succumbing to empathy fatigue.