Again with the regular Joe stuff… washing your hair and going away for your daughter’s event… cooooool…
So sad, first sharing an unaffiliated link to very popular Roots sweatpants of all things, now tagging a celebrity… screams ‘Please notice me and give me sponsorships and a spotlight!! Please!!!’
Yep - yesterday’s recycled bikini photo only got around 250 comments when those are usually the posts that get her the most attention. I wonder if she bought the Knix gift card herself because her engagement is so low?!
Again with the regular Joe stuff… washing your hair and going away for your daughter’s event… cooooool… So sad, first sharing an unaffiliated link to very popular Roots sweatpants of all things, now tagging a celebrity… screams ‘Please notice me and give me sponsorships and a spotlight!! Please!!!’
The desperation is real with this one.
Yep - yesterday’s recycled bikini photo only got around 250 comments when those are usually the posts that get her the most attention. I wonder if she bought the Knix gift card herself because her engagement is so low?!