I have a bunch of domains on NameCheap but would like to move them to a non American company, preferably Canadian but just not American is good enough honestly.
What are you guys using?
I have a bunch of domains on NameCheap but would like to move them to a non American company, preferably Canadian but just not American is good enough honestly.
What are you guys using?
I’ve switched to EasyDNS as well, over from AWS.
If you’re on the lower-tier/unicast plan, have you had any issues with MX records for email? I set up mine ~10 days ago, and A, CNAME, and most TXT records are working flawlessly, but anything email-related fails to resolve 30% of the time (checked through 3rd party DNS lookup tools, as well as just sending/receiving test messages seeing what gets through).
Unfortunately haven’t, I don’t rely on any of my personal domains for email.
I did just re-check to see if the email forwarding was working correctly, and it is – but if it was failing sporadically I’m not sure I would even notice because my usage of it is so minimal.
For what it’s worth, I did need to use their email support once and they were very pleasant and easy to work with.