I was tear-gassed protesting free trade. Now that Trump’s tariffs may signal the beginning of the end of globalization, do I get to say, “I told you so?"
The argument seems to be “I think free trade is bad. It led to a shitload of prosperity for everyone involved, but now that people are projecting their personal grievances onto free trade and undermining it by electing an isolationist nationalist, things are going to get worse. Told ya so.” Feels like hella cope to me lol.
Globalism is based. Free trade is based.
Yeah, I have a feeling national security and a possible fascist takeover of the US wasn’t their main bone to pick.
The argument seems to be “I think free trade is bad. It led to a shitload of prosperity for everyone involved, but now that people are projecting their personal grievances onto free trade and undermining it by electing an isolationist nationalist, things are going to get worse. Told ya so.” Feels like hella cope to me lol.