I’m genuinely so excited to see some of the more focussed communities blossom on this platform as they have on Reddit over the years. Which are your favourites and which do you think could succeed here?

  • bionicjoey
    2 years ago

    D&D/TTRPG subs like r/DMAcademy, r/3d6, r/Pathfinder2e, r/dndnext, r/dndbehindthescreen, r/dnd, r/dndmaps, etc.

    Subs related to specific games I enjoy like r/Stellaris, r/Rimworld, r/crusaderkings, r/citiesskylines, r/slaythespire

    Subs where design and cool information that interests me can be shared like r/vexillology, r/history, r/mapporn, r/dataisbeautiful, r/etymology, r/todayilearned, etc.

    Neurodivergence spaces like r/Aspergers, r/AutisticWithADHD, and r/autism

    Subs built around a certain kind of joke or humour like r/sbubby, r/expanddong, r/Polandball, r/highqualitygifs, etc.