• remotelove
    5 days ago

    If this was purely a political problem, sure. The average American could vote the problem away. You can easily say “we allowed this to happen”, but in reality, the people were mostly powerless to stop it from happening.

    This thread is a perfect example of getting the commoners to blame each other for issues while the oligarchs and politicians do what they please. The second people start generalizing other people, the battle is already lost.

    At the individual level, voting might help. What we need to do is stop buying iPhones and Teslas. We need to call out an crush misinformation campaigns when we see them, and not just ignore them. Most of all, we need to educate others, which is easier than it seems.

    What exactly do you suggest as an action people can take? (I speculate, short of suggesting an armed revolution, you can only just add on to my suggestions above.)

    So, no. I am not going to capitulate to that “we did nothing to stop this” bullshit. All you are doing is disregarding the people who actually care and do take action.

    • Diplomjodler@lemmy.world
      5 days ago

      Ten million people stayed at home in the ist election that voted Democrat before. That is basically what handed trump the election. So yes, this could definitely have been prevented.

      • remotelove
        5 days ago

        You are failing to take voter suppression issues and misinformation campaigns into account. While that is part of the problem, it absolutely isn’t all of it. I am not disagreeing with you, but there is more.

        I was taking on a much larger scale and timeframe. Trump becoming president… again… is just a symptom of a much darker issue of how our system can be twisted by propaganda. (This is a global problem, and a flaw with humanity, IMHO.)

        Also, popular vote doesn’t quite matter for the US presidency. (https://www.archives.gov/electoral-college/about) Republicans have won several times without the popular vote and they are getting good at it. Each state is different and I haven’t dug deeper into the numbers for each state in this election yet.

        There are several issues in-play. Yes, many more people should have voted, undoubtedly and without question from me. Why they didn’t vote is a serious issue and needs to be reviewed. I do know that the Republican base didn’t grow significantly and even the public MAGA fanaticism wasn’t nearly as bad as it was in 2016.