What filesystem is currently best for a single nvme drive with regard to performance read/write as well as stability/no file loss? ext4 seems very old, btrfs is used by RHEL, ZFS seems to be quite good… what do people tend to use nowadays? What is an arch users go-to filesystem?

  • Avid Amoeba
    2 years ago

    Ext4 is probably going to be the fastest. When it comes to reliability, old is good. If you don’t need any of the features Btrfs and ZFS, you’ll reap higher performance using Ext4. Otherwise ZFS is more feature-complete compared to Btrfs, however it’s generally not available as root fs option in OS installers. Ubuntu used to have it as an experimental option but I think that’s gone now. If you know what you’re doing you can use it as a root fs. Personally I’m using Ext4 on LVMRAID on a 2-way NVMe mirror. I might be switching to ZFS on root when I get to rebuild this machine. All my storage is using ZFS.