Hello there, I see v194 beta got pushed but with no changelog.
What is in this release?
Thanks for working on connect, it’s great!
Hello there, I see v194 beta got pushed but with no changelog.
What is in this release?
Thanks for working on connect, it’s great!
Publishing v195 now which should fix the pixelation issue and attach the correct changelogs. Cheers!
Thank you very much, it is very appreciated!
v195 seems to have broken the three dots menu at the top right of a community (when you open a community and try and go into the menu it does nothing)
Also, can you add support for embedded videos? Videos can be embedded in the text in the same fashion as images, but these don’t show up in Connect.
I’ll take a look at embedded videos. Could you try the three dots on v196. Cheers!
No change. At least it’s reporting it’s 196 although I didn’t see a changelog pop up like I normally would on an update.
197 appears to have fixed it, thanks!