Hi, thanks for the feedback and I’ve added a setting on beta v224 to control this (Settings: Dim bright backgrounds). Cheers!
Hi, thanks for the feedback and I’ve added a setting on beta v224 to control this (Settings: Dim bright backgrounds). Cheers!
Cross posting is coming soon! It’s next on my list.
Hi, rolling out beta v223 now with a ModView feed. Cheers!
And continuing to suggest features is the most helpful thing for me.
Edit: ignore this just testing Settings: Global Settings
Thank you that’s helpful - Potentially this is resolved on beta version 222.
Hi, thanks for the feedback and colour options are here. If you’re on the beta it’s available now (222) otherwise it’s rolling out today. Cheers!
Thanks for the report and I’m taking a look at this now. If you turn on ‘Show Page Numbers’ does it seem to happen around the same spot? Cheers!
Hi, if there’s a feature that the community wants I’m happy to add it in if it makes sense. To be clear though Connect is not open-source, however compared to Sync/Boost it’s 100% free and there are no ad-tracking or analytics SDKs included. Cheers!
Hi, yes I’m 100% Canadian. Cheers!
Hi, is this still happening for you on the latest beta ver (218)?
Hi, thanks for the feedback and this issue should now be fixed on beta ver 218. Cheers!
Possibly Sticky Sort Settings is on?
Thanks that’s helpful. I’ve got to dial in the numbers of what I compare the average brightness against.
Hi, just testing this out but if you’re on Beta v216 this setting is called ‘Invert Bright Images’ under Post Customization. Cheers!
Hi, this should now be possible on version 215. Cheers!
Sounds like a cool feature. Let me see what I can come up with. Cheers!
Connect dev here. We have 0 trackers of any kind.
Connect dev here. In addition to no trackers we also have no ad SDKs, or analytics of any kind. Cheers!
Hi, I’ll take a look. Could you link me to one of the videos causing the issue. Cheers!
Hi, I’ll take a look. How can I reproduce the issue you are seeing? I tried clicking through to the comment you mentioned from your profile but it seems like the full comment thread is there. Cheers!
Hi, thanks for the feedback and alt text is rolling out now on the beta channel (v224). As of now it shows on image long press until I think of a better way to display it.