My dishes have been coming out wet ever since flushing my water heater; my wife started a dishwasher load without telling me while I was in the middle of that project so I’m guessing it ran dry and fucked up the heating element.

I haven’t noticed any issues draining. The dishes are coming out clean but wet. I’ve already run a reset on the board in case there was a fault that wasn’t clearing or something. So now the most likely culprit is a dead element or maybe the switch for it?

I’ve acquired a new heating element and I’m planning on replacing it in hopes of getting dry dishes again today. Any tips beyond what a tutorial on YouTube would already bring up? Open the breaker, close the water valve, have a towel handy for any water that comes out of connections I’m breaking, etc. But maybe you know of some challenges in the process and a sort of life hack to make them easy?

  • i_stole_ur_taco
    1 month ago

    Those southern repair guys on YouTube are a gold mine. If you can find somebody doing the same dishwasher you have, you’re all set!

    But some less obvious things you can fuck up (well, I have, at least):

    • when you’re pushing the dishwasher back into the cabinet, make sure the water line and electrical don’t get kinked on something
    • if your water supply is a steel braided hose, it’s probably time to just replace it. Those hoses are only rated for 10ish years
    • test your fix before pushing it back into the cabinet and screwing everything back together. I lost count of how many times I was “done” and the had to disassemble something again because it didn’t actually work