Seems like there are a lot of penalties that haven’t been called this game. Except for that one bogus RTP against the Texans early in the game. Mahomes still has his plot armor.
Hah, and they just called another bogus PF. Two Texans collide above Mahomes, and draw a flag.
Honestly surprised the refs didn’t fall for Mahomes’ bait on that push just before the tochdown.
That first RTP they called early wouldn’t have even been debatable if not for his A+ acting 🙄
Chiefs HOLDING on that Mahomes run for 1st! not called.
Seems like there are a lot of penalties that haven’t been called this game. Except for that one bogus RTP against the Texans early in the game. Mahomes still has his plot armor.
Hah, and they just called another bogus PF. Two Texans collide above Mahomes, and draw a flag.
Honestly surprised the refs didn’t fall for Mahomes’ bait on that push just before the tochdown. That first RTP they called early wouldn’t have even been debatable if not for his A+ acting 🙄