Let’s hope Germans can stop the march of Nazis. This side of Atlantic is just about lost.
This is such a burn! “Abramson noted, “It is also a particularly American disease to confuse wealth with intelligence and corporations with those who own them.”
Yup! That’s been their MO.
Imagine the millions and millions of veterans and their families who sacrificed their lives and loved ones to fight the Nazis only for the mofos to take over the country with the greatest of ease. They all must be rolling in their graves.
yeah you don’t take that crap from an assistant, but from a team physician. But wait, Bobby has an assistant? Dude’s a role player.
That really sucks for Spurs’ playoff chances… and great for their tanking.
How does he have it in the first place though?
No reunion for KD and dubs!
Let’s not elect PP then!
Except for China-made Tesla right?
He’s sucking up to his benefactor and handler Putin.
From Google Canada:
lol great
Let’s roll out the welcome wagon folks!
This essentially states India’s policies in Myanmar. It was only a year ago India reached out to rebel groups and the ousted lawmakers. The author conveniently forgot to add India is also attempting to find a market in Myanmar for its military equipment exports.
“While China plays both sides in Myanmar, India must ensure that it does not lose ground by hesitating to act. The security and stability of the four northeastern states of India bordering Myanmar—Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Mizoram and Manipur—and securing its investments in the region are of prime importance to India. For that India must reach out to the rebel groups in consultation with the military junta to extend non-lethal humanitarian aid and help relocate and settle the refugees. By extending non-lethal assistance, India will uphold its regional leadership, counter China’s unchecked influence and reinforce stability along its eastern frontier without direct military involvement.”
Myanmar generals are getting propped up by China in return. China is holding back the rebels under their control from further gains on Myanmar in return for the Junta’s compliance.
Yeah I think that’s been the problem in the past right. Thais unofficially looked away on all of this because it brought economic activity to fringe areas of the country. Now I think they’re serious about keeping a lid on it and they will. But the Chinese syndicates are moving elsewhere - as you saw in post last week hundreds are moving to southern part of Burma-Thai border where they can bribe the military or the rebels easily.
Yes that’s possible. Nuclear power agreements have been signed last year I believe and this is on the way.