• corsicanguppy
    2 months ago

    I have eaten 9 grapes.

    I used to work as a sullen kid picking grapes for a winery in the summers. Hated the very thought so never ate any, not because I had any respect back then. As a poor kid, you aren’t forced to try something if it would waste food: give it to the people whom it can benefit.

    Now then, decades later, and we’re touring another vineyard, me and my wife. “Here,” says the tour guide, handing me one. “Try it.”

    Wife knows the deal - squick - but knows I won’t be impolite while this man shows off his livelihood. Her eyes flash a dare but I didn’t need that. I ate my first grape about 14 years ago from st hubertus winery in Kelowna. Didn’t make a face so as not to offend. It was meh.

    Since then I’ve had one or two more. And then we go to this fancy pants restaurant and the appetizer on the pricy-ass set menu is this Italian salad thing with all.kinds of green grapes. Fuck me but it was expensive. Ate the whole thing because we don’t waste food in my family. She chuckled and rolled her gorgeous green eyes as she stole a few. That’s the last 6.

    So 9.

    I may have had 1 hundred strawberries too. I’m livin it up.