OK peeps, I am seeing a lot of flamewars lately which go off-topic of this comm. I am also getting dozens of reports about people reporting each other for “rudeness” or “trolling”. I don’t want this comm to start becoming a drama haven, so I want to try and prevent people getting worked up like this.

What do you think about me starting to deploy strategic 1-day bans for people who I notice are getting into flamewars? If not, what else do you suggest to help people remain civil?

Don’t just upvote/downvote. I won’t take these into account, I want actual comments about this to better make a decision.

  • dubyakay
    2 months ago

    Does Lemmy provide a council/consensus type voting system on bans? How do you arbitrate it by yourself on what is or isn’t “rudeness” or “trolling”?

    Imo let downvotes and reports sort it out, instead of being proactive, until there is a multi-headed arbitration system in place.