• IninewCrow
    3 months ago

    Last year I bought an original 8 bit Nintendo system with Super Mario and Tetris … two games I grew up playing for hours and hours. I hadn’t played them in years and I thought I should buy one just to have on hand because they’ll probably disappear and become unavailable in the next decade or two (assuming I’ll live that long … lol)

    I bring it out once in a while just to play it and get frustrated as I try to remember where, when and how to run and jump through level 8

    • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      My OG NES is quite possibly my most played out of all my retro consoles. It’s currently loaded with Duck Tales, for meme purposes.

      Mine also has an emerald green power light (because I can), the lockout chip is clipped, and I modified the cartridge connector so you don’t have to press the carts down to play them anymore (because that blows people’s minds).

      • IninewCrow
        3 months ago

        My eight year old self back in the 80s would have seen you as a god among men. I would have been happy to just watch you play on that console.

          • IninewCrow
            3 months ago

            Wow … what a setup … it’s something I’ve dreamed of building myself but I have far too many other projects on the go and my own collections I have to maintain … my other passion is motorcycles and I have five of them on the go and need constant maintenance, parts, service and repairs … not to mention a bunch of other work I have to do to make a living and work on my own house and garage.

            I envy you and wish I could just sit down to have a break with an NES, switch to an Xbox, then a Sega Genesis and on and on … I love all those old units as they remind me of being a kid and being around all my old friends and younger times. I’m taking out my NES tonight just to make myself feel better … lol

            Thanks for the images … I’m actually very happy for you … nice one!

              • IninewCrow
                3 months ago

                lol … that’s amazing … I store all my old bikes in a cramped little shed and garage with not enough room … I sometimes wonder why I have all these bikes but I love them. I’m sure you feel the same about your stable.

                Love that KLR 650 … a friend of mine has one and is really enjoying it. Neat to have that scooter mixed in with those offroads. What’s the Suzuki? Beautiful Yamaha at the start. What are the two cruisers at the end? Nice Yamaha dualsport too! Wow what a collection! I really like the variety and types of bikes you keep. You must really love riding.

                Mine are:

                • 1998 BMW K1200RS
                • 2001 BMW R1100R
                • 1978 Honda Goldwing
                • 1976 Honda CB750
                • 2002 Kawasaki Vulcan

                Here is my main ride - 1998 BMW K1200RS - a beast of a machine but I seldom get her going fast because she is 26 years old and although I have faith in her, I don’t have enough faith to test to see how well the parts will hold out. When everything is tuned, she cruises without effort at 120 km/h and I’ve brought her up to over 240 a few times but scared myself so badly that I won’t do that often. The bike is rock solid at speed, it feels like the faster it goes, the more stable it becomes, its amazing … but she’s showing her age and I have to take everything apart to service her again in the spring.


                • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️@lemmy.world
                  3 months ago

                  Damn, you’ve got some fine tastes!

                  The little Suzuki is an RV200 Vanvan. It has a rear tire on the front and an ATV tire on the rear… actually the same tire sizes as the TW200 and similar displacement and power (a widowmaking ~13 HP) but it’s lower, less dorky looking, and fuel injected rather than carbed.

                  A while back a friend of mine offered me custodianship of a CB750 Four from the late '70’s, but I declined owing to already having a small mountain of bikes and I was not relishing the thought of owning something with four inline carbs. I un-mothballed the thing for him after it had not run since 1997 so he could sell it, and taking it apart once was enough for me. I got the bastard starting on the first kick, though. I don’t know where it went after he wound up selling it to a local dealership.

                  At the moment I have:

                  • Yamaha FZ6R
                  • The KLR650
                  • Honda Shadow A.C.E. 750
                  • Suzuki RV200 Vanvan
                  • Honda CH50 Metropolitan (the scooter)
                  • Orion/Nicot RXB250L
                  • Bashan/Raven BSR250 “Enforcer” (actually 229cc, but who’s counting)

                  The Sportster on the end of that lineup is my neighbor’s, he stores it in my garage over the winter.

                  • IninewCrow
                    3 months ago

                    I knew that Yamaha was familiar. One of my friends who is an old time Yamaha / Honda employee and is retired had one. His son became a great motorcycle mechanic and when he was a teenager in the early 2000s, he used to ride his father’s FZ6 all the time. I’d go visit them and find his name written with melted tire rubber on the pavement on the backroads leading to their house. He did that for a summer before he realized it was easy to pin stuff like that on him if the neighbours started to complain to the police … lol.

                    I also thought that was a Shadow … when I bought my Vulcan two years ago, the guy I bought it from was also selling a Shadow and it was a toss up for me between the Vulcan and Shadow … only reason I took the Vulcan was that he had tried to customize the Shadow so much that he wanted it to look like a Harley complete with the logo (I’m not a big Harley guy but I do know that other die-hard Harley riders don’t like it when people do that to their bikes)

                    Really curious about the Orion and Raven … aren’t those Chinese or Asian bikes? … I’m not against them because I think of them as being the same quality as what bikes would have been 20/30 years ago. I also suspect that they are probably just copies of 20/30 year old Honda and Yamaha technology … which means that they are probably pretty good.

                    Love that Suzuki Vanvan … looks like a classic old bike (which I love) but with those big fat tires, you could take it anywhere. A weird bike for sure because it looks like some sort of weird trials bike

                    And the Harley Sportster is probably the only Harley I would ever buy. I love the look of Harleys, I would just never buy them. I had an old motorcycle mechanic who owned several Harleys and his first piece of advice was to tell me - never buy a Harley, as they are a mechanics nightmare. They’re good if you can work on them yourself but a pain and expensive if you ask someone else to do the work. The Sportster is one of the least problematic of the Harleys.

                    Wow … what a line up … thanks for sharing … ride safe and good luck to you out there … the roads are a lot more dangerous now than they were 20 years ago, just from the shear number of vehicles out there the problems are just multiplied, so it puts all us riders in danger everywhere. But whatever happens, as long as you got an engine and two tires under you, you’re doing good.

                    Here’s the 2001 BMW R1100R