Every group chat seems to die the moment I send 1-2 texts there. Every single one. Old, new, offline friends, online friends, everywhere. What’s going on? Are my jokes bad? Have you ever experienced this? If yes, what was the issue you found out?

  • IninewCrow
    3 months ago

    Personally, I gave up a long time ago

    I just post, comment, contribute and don’t even care any more. If people respond, great, lets chat a bit … if they don’t, I really don’t care.

    When I first started any kind of online chat years and years ago in the early internet … I wanted to talk to people and I wanted them to talk to me, I constantly wanted to interact and felt terrible if I got no reaction. Over the years I realized, if you really, really want interaction, then you have to build relationships with people and more often than not, eventually you’ll get regular conversations with those people … even if they are just anonymous characters in a chat forum, platform or social media. People are people and they habituate to certain places or routines and given time, you become familiar with one another … even if you never really meet in real or life or know one another.

    So this is all I do now … I post, comment and contribute and never think twice of anything.