While it’s very unlikely that someone has a definitive answer, this question popped into my head after the assassination of the UHC CEO and it’s been bothering me that I can’t shake off this feeling that more is likely to happen (maybe not in higher frequency but potential).

Usually I could provide counter-arguments to myself in a realism/(should I buy apples or oranges comparison) kind-of sense but this one I feel more unsure about.

I wish I had more diverse exp in systems analysis as these kinds of questions that linger in my head really irritates my OCD brain as I just want to know what’s the most likely answer.

  • humanspiral
    3 months ago

    There are plenty of alternatives to eat the rich.

    UBI does not make the rich any poorer. It just decentralizes power so that all can survive and eliminates crime.

    While our electoral politics is divided between either “pro business” or “hamas supporting communist radical left”, it could seem reasonable to constrain oligarchy and Israel first rule while still being pro economic growth and prosperity. This requires an “eat the media stooges” who refuse to tell the difference along with a forceful message that the DNC doesn’t support.

    Understanding that DNC are worthless pig fuckers meant to fundraise and not empower ordinary people is step 1 to progress.