damn :/

    • @[email protected]
      81 year ago

      Admin of the instance posted that they wouldn’t ban anyone for playing the new HP game and in addition would not allow spoiler posts from said game. Admin got a lot of grief for this and announced the server shutdown in response. He then preceded to tell a few different people who critiqued him to “kill themselves”.

        • Gaywallet (they/it)
          41 year ago

          JKR uses a lot of her time and money to further the TERF agenda. She even proudly considers herself a TERF. The new harry potter game is going to generate a decent amount of revenue for her, which means its directly funding a hateful ideology.

          Some queer people and allies have decided to fight against this however they could, which meant that people would hurl insults at people who talked about the game, post memes which spoiled the main plot of the game, and really anything they had control over. It’s been a bit of a nightmare for moderation if you didn’t decide to take a side in the matter.

        • seahorse [Ohio]
          11 year ago

          JKR is a TERF and people are asking others to boycott the game and/or spoil stuff to people who would want to play the game.