I basically listen to music constantly, and when I’m on holiday or riding my bike I generally use USB-C earbuds. I’ve had way too many wireless buds break and I’m sick of them, but these aren’t fairing much better tbh.

Problem is that the cables always eventually stop working, often from my phone being in my pocket while I’m walking or cycling. I’ve been able to partly extend their life by keeping my phone in the thigh pocket on my cargo pants but it often just falls over and bends the cable more sharply than my hip pocket.

I’m looking for either a pair of highly durable earbuds either USB-C or 3.5mm with a USB-C DAC recommendation, or even better a DSP cable that I could use with IEMs with a 0.78mm connector.

I’m also open to any other suggestions at all.

  • corsicanguppy
    3 months ago

    I like the apple earpods 3.5mm. They’re c$20 at Amazon. I rage-smash them periodically or the cat chews them so I keep a spare.

    The sound is good, the mic is clean, and they never run out of juice.

    I pair it with a usbC 3.5mm uGreen sound device so Skype and FB Messenger get decent sound. You could use that rig with a modern neuter android phone, but I’ll never try it. Give me a headphone jack or I’ll be left shouting into my phone on the subway because fuck vendors.