Not every Speaker has applied those principles equally, but this has been interpreted by many Speakers to mean after the third reading and all intended discussion completes, the Speaker votes against when a bill would otherwise be unsupported by a majority.
He is a ndper so we’re going have a coalition after all! Let’s go!
47 is a majority, but 46 is still 50%.
The Speaker is the tie breaker, and votes for the government.
A coalition is not required
Don’t get me wrong, I’d prefer they did have to work with the greens, but they don’t.
Speakers need to be impartial and act in ways that continue discussion and that decisions be taken only with the support of the majority in Parliament
Not every Speaker has applied those principles equally, but this has been interpreted by many Speakers to mean after the third reading and all intended discussion completes, the Speaker votes against when a bill would otherwise be unsupported by a majority.
That still isn’t how this works.