I’m a 30 year old woman who’s only really played card and puzzle games on my phone. Im considering new hobbies. Is it worth trying to get into video games for the first time. Where would I even start.

  • BCsven
    3 months ago

    Steam for your PC will have a large library of free games you can try, and also paid games. If you like board or card games there is an application called table top simulator. This opens up access to traditional board games people have converted to PC–when you can’t find it as a standalone game. Also a suggestion for standalone games if you are into cards:

    • Wingspan. It has a steep learning curve but hours of fun once you learn it.

    • Dominion. If you like this genre of game it can be a lot of fun.

    • Catan. if you have played Catan board game and enjoy it, you can also play online for free https://catanuniverse.com/en/game/