I miss spicy dreams. All of mine for the last few years has been me going to high school and middle school again and not remembering my locker code or forgetting a project.
They don’t happen often, but they’re pretty nice. Definitely a good respite from my more standard “the people you love are in danger and/or gone, and also your teeth are falling out.” :/
Hey you and me both with the teeth falling out! In my variant of these dreams, my molars start to crack and shatter and small bits of the tooth start falling out/are loose.
I miss spicy dreams. All of mine for the last few years has been me going to high school and middle school again and not remembering my locker code or forgetting a project.
They don’t happen often, but they’re pretty nice. Definitely a good respite from my more standard “the people you love are in danger and/or gone, and also your teeth are falling out.” :/
Hey you and me both with the teeth falling out! In my variant of these dreams, my molars start to crack and shatter and small bits of the tooth start falling out/are loose.