I’ve asked about this before, see my post history. But the fact that pixelfed, mastodon, and lemmy can all be subscribed to from one instance or another, isn’t a replacement for a “post once distribute everywhere” solution.

Yes its true that a pixelfed and a mastodon can follow one another and because you can post images to mastodon and pixelfed images can have text they can often be basically identical in terms of potential feed content. But lemmy is something that I would post to communities.

It would be helpful if I could use an app to simultaneously post to my mastodon, my pixelfed, and to a range of lemmy communities and or cross posting between communities on lemmy.

I suggested in my previous post the ability to post to a mastodon with certain hashtags triggering getting sent to different lemmy communities. I think that still works as an idea but I think perhaps this new framing helps explain why it’s not as simple as “have them follow your pixelfed from their mastodon”. If posting once to distribute to both mastodon and lemmy community makes sense then I don’t see why it shouldn’t be reasonable that there are some cases where the same is true of pixelfed and mastodon (I said in response to one comment that you might have different audiences)

I think the biggest issue with lemmy so far is lack of content and engagement. Same thing is true with mastodon. The anti viral design ethos of mastodon encourages people to avoid tools like “post once distribute everywhere” I think perhaps people view it as potential for spam. But we really need some actual tools to make posting content easier.

  • @[email protected]OP
    11 year ago

    @nutomic is there a way I could make some scripts to do this myself? Do y’all have recommends generic solutions if I unwanted to build some content distribution tools that plugged into mastodon, pixelfed, lemmy etc?