I’ve seen clip of that financial advice show “The Ramsey show” on YouTube and the things that old man say are shocking to me. According to him I shouldn’t give a single cent to my parents… That’s so against my culture. I would be seen as downright evil if I do that.

Hell I’m unemployed for like a year by now and still sent 200 euro a few months ago to my father that still lives in my home country that I haven’t seen in 17 years.

Are you really Americans like that? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t see it as cold hearted but I see it as unnatural, and I’M a “socialess” cold person in essence.

  • Randomgal
    2 days ago

    I think it’s a north American thing. In a lot of cultures around the world you are expected to take care of your parents, either financially or in terms of letting them live with you. Because… You know… They took care of you when you needed it the most?