Despite facing heavy pressure to ramp up military spending, the Department of National Defence (DND) has slow-rolled one of the least complex of its vehicle replacement programs.

The light utility vehicle program has been on the books for several years. Its purpose is to update the military’s fleet of two-decade-old Afghan war-era Mercedes G-Wagons and civilian-grade utility vehicles, such as pickups and SUVs.

The light utility vehicle program isn’t as high-tech as some other military procurement projects — but it’s still a perfect example of how a procurement system petrified of making mistakes can take a very long time to get anything done, said Steve Saideman, a defence expert at Carleton University.

“We’d rather have no corruption and slow purchases rather than [moving] fast and [accepting] more risk of making mistakes,” he said.

  • girlfreddyOP
    6 months ago

    Yup. The whole Irving empire is just one big cesspool that should be broken up.

    • Jim
      6 months ago

      @girlfreddy @HikingVet Please dont anti trust the Irvings until they have built the new Juniper wind farm. JDI wind power is our best hope to catch that albatross NB Power in its wake turbulence and topple it over into its well deserved death spiral.

      and also infect higgs, hogan, and austin with "windmill noise brainworm cancer ". although Grasseschi likely already did it with her anti 2slgbtq+ exorsist conversion therapy.

      the woke Elders of THE CABAL OF ARGUS
      We will see
