Creating this one one day early as the other one reached 108 comments

  • MoonChildM
    6 months ago

    She never, ever gives her co-parent/ex-husband any credit for raising those 3 kids. She talks like she was there nurturing them and guiding them but, from the outside, it looks like going to her house is when it’s time for a free-for-all - no responsibilities around the house and eating fast-food - half the time she isn’t even there and their step-father is the parent. I don’t think she’s put much into raising them at all but they are integral to the online success she enjoys today. I really hope M doesn’t go home every weekend, I hope she finds her tribe, her confidence and has the best time of her life!

    • crownofgold6
      6 months ago

      THIS!!! I’m sick of her acting like she did it alone when there was a father and nana K there too. I’m sure those kids get far more out of going to their dad’s house than they do Sarah’s house. I bet their dad was far more helpful to M getting into university than Sarah ever was (helping with homework, helping her decide where she’d like to go, etc).

      I bet Sarah made her feel guilty about coming home and maybe M feels she’ll be homesick but I’m sure once she gets there and has her school load, makes friends, wants to explore a new(?) city, the whole coming home every weekend won’t happen. And I’d love that for her!

      • Bitchwhiskers
        6 months ago

        I’m not willing to give anyone credit without evidence (the dad). But even if she did do it alone (we know she didn’t bc of her parents at the very least), phrasing it the way she did is disgusting. Kids aren’t bank accounts or time cards. You’re not happy because you get some ROI out of your “hard work”.

        • MoonChildM
          6 months ago

          No one should have kids expecting them to thank you for being born but she seems to expect them to thank her at every turn. She really doesn’t seem to like anything to do with the responsibilities of parenthood and I can’t, for the life of me, figure out why she has 4 of them.

      • Poofluencers
        6 months ago

        I can’t imagine that Sarah hasn’t harmed her children and their ability to have safe or healthy relationships. I hope M gets her distance and gets to know herself but she probably will come home either for fear of missing out, not feeling special to her mom or because Sarah somehow plays the part of saviour and the one who needs to be rescued all at the same time.