As requested, a thread for general snarking that may not need its own post.

  • ladybonerforjustice
    7 months ago

    Oh my god? That’s horrible. It’s giving McDonald’s and that poor woman who experienced third degree burns on her groin and legs due to their coffee that was WAY too hot. They also dragged her name when she sued and presented it like she was ridiculous when it was 100% their fault (watch the documentary Hot Coffeee if anyone is curious). These large corporations absolutely suck and so do the people who encourage others to support them like TBP.

    • olivesandpoppies
      7 months ago

      Oh exactly! Her lab!a was FUSED together she was so badly burned.

      And also I have seen the smartest people with multiple university degrees hold hot coffee under their chin, in between legs, etc. Hot is one thing, scalding is another. McDonald’s & Disn3y both support genocide and toomany other horrible things to mention. It’s literally time to cancel them along with all these stupid influencers (and their circles of affiliate code groupies).