As requested, a thread for general snarking that may not need its own post.

  • after_act
    6 months ago

    Running content, which unlocks the running community, a different target market, and a million more sponsored things, is legit the easiest and free content! It follows a story, she could be relatable to so many who have struggled to start something. You can track progress and goals. But NOPE! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again shes completely lying about it, and will say running lost her all the weight all of a sudden instead of ozempic.

    • Omgitsme
      6 months ago

      Exactly! Also if she really did get into running I don’t think she would be speaking about it the way she does. I know this is only my tiny little lived experience but I also got into running in 2023 and went from someone who HATED running to now loving it and running 3 miles a day after work. The way she talks is how I did in the beginning when I thought I was a runner but was just a very beginner, but you grow and adapt and your mind set changes. You don’t see yourself as slow anymore, you’re just going your pace. I would never say I hate running now, it has shown me so much that my body can do. I just feel like if she was really running her mindset and attitude toward it would have changed by now.

      I feel like with almost anything she does she is just parroting what other people have said about it.

      I also don’t understand the toxic thing, how is it okay to show others running but showing herself running is “toxic behavior” why is she even relating toxic to running at all? Like always my main question is “what the hell is she even going on about”

    • crownofgold6
      6 months ago

      Yupp I totally agree! She’s so full of crap. Just another thing she’s lying about it, how exhausting that must be.

    • ByeByeTurdie
      6 months ago

      I wouldn’t even say she’s losing weight, it still appears to be all filters. Sorry, she doesn’t get the benefit of my doubt anymore or ever again.