• @[email protected]
    -12 years ago

    The danger there is that some might start to understand the arguments. I recommend a council of only the most elite leftists who will carefully study the tripe and proscribe strategies from above. Counter-propaganda can then be carefully crafted to be memorized rote and recited back at them.

    Care will need to be taken to watch this council for any signs that they have started to be concerned about these arguments or that they understand them, where they can be euthanized should that happen. Politics isn’t about being responsive to their needs or concerns, instead it is about controlling them so that they live the lives they should live.

    • bruhbeans
      12 years ago

      You make it sound like the right’s propaganda is some magical hex that people will find irresistible. The reality is, it’s only volume and ubiquity that gives it any traction. None of their woowoo bullshit holds up to even the most basic materialist analysis. A 6-year-old can debunk trickle-down.

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      I guess I’m just going to note the irony here. You understand opposition to right wing reactionary arguments not as a conscious and fully informed rejection of values in favor of better ones, but as a fearful avoidance and lack of understanding, impulse for control and enforced through mechanically repeated phrases.

      This, and god is it weird that I have to say this out loud to someone I am assuming is an adult, but this is not what good faith engagement with a view you disagree with looks like. It’s childish reduction of a view to a level of caricature that you feel comfortable engaging with. Instead of bad faith mischaractization of views you don’t like under the guise of just joking around, I might recommend looking up the philosophical concept of principle of charity, which may enable you to post more thoughtful & constructive comments.