I forget which was the last episode I stopped on while watching anime or TV shows, any way to track them?

I’ve tried using Kodi seems like an overkill for what I wanna do, and I’m not comfy with the whole interface of kodi.

Thanks, in advance!

  • @[email protected]
    43 years ago

    If you use MPV, pressing Shift+q, it saves current position and reopens it later automatically.

    I just open an entire folder with MPV ($ mpv ~/media/[Judas]Bleach/).

    For tracking which shows I’ve seen I use Episodes

    • @[email protected]
      23 years ago

      (accidentally posted so it continues here)

      Episodes from f-droid. It’s kinda ugly but it works. It also shows which shows have specials and new seasons. Some people just use MAL and that’s fine too.