This is crazy. She is editing her body to look as small as a child here. Even if she has lost weight, this looks like she weights 100lbs.

  • Spicykitty
    8 months ago

    Thank you! It’s always frustrating when people state that she’s lost a bunch of weight (not frustrated AT the people who say it, just to be clear - just goes to show that her gaslighting and deception is successful, and that our members are still susceptible to being fooled by the fuckery!) because whenever we see candid shots of her out in the wild, it’s very clear that she hasn’t. Maybe she has lost some , but definitely not a ton or anything too drastically noticable IMO. She has just gotten incredibly bold with the editing. I think we are witnessing actual delusion and a horrific case of body dysmorphia at play here. I feel sad for the harm she is causing her children. It’s weird to imagine the thought of looking back at my childhood photos and finding that my mom edited herself skinnier in nearly every single one, and edited away all resemblance to me. I can only imagine the ways that would fuck with me.

    • MoonChildM
      8 months ago

      I wonder what they think since they probably watch her stuff and they know what she actually looks like. It’s just so harmful for a mother to do this kind of thing since it shows them she’s not happy with how she looks so it makes them think there’s probably something wrong with them as well.

      • Rarepotato
        8 months ago

        They likely know her as different people based on her moods and who is around. Social media mom, home mom, shopping mom, etc

    • ChickpeaOP
      8 months ago

      Well also since the SI swim thing , in the above pic she looks like she has lost 60-80 lbs, not even possible in a few weeks.