I lived in Abbotsford for a while. They have a KKK problem and the churches on every corner throw book burnings. Plus, organized crime drug wars! For a time it was the murder capital in Canada. It looks like a small, boring suburban town but it is a horrible place. The Christian right have all the political power and this is the result.
I lived in Abbotsford for a while. They have a KKK problem and the churches on every corner throw book burnings. Plus, organized crime drug wars! For a time it was the murder capital in Canada. It looks like a small, boring suburban town but it is a horrible place. The Christian right have all the political power and this is the result.
well fuck today I learned the KKK is in canada?! what the fuck, sorry our brainworms infected your racists.
aka stabbitsford
That is nuts. Thank you for the added context!